Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Historic Cassiopeia



Hyginus’ Poeticon Astronomicon (1482). The Milky Way flows from her right hand (the constellation is located in the Milky Way). Source: Naval Oceanography Portal


Johannes Regiomontanus’s Kalendarius (1512). Source: Kalendarius teütsch Maister Joannis Küngspergers



17th century reproduction of Tycho Brahe’s plate (1572) with the Tycho’s Supernova (depicted here in the stand of the throne) which appears in the 16th century. Here she held a palm instead of squirting milky water from her hand. Source: Wikipedia



Gerard Mercator’s Mercator Globes (1551). Source: The Mercator Globes



Zacharias Bornmann in his Astra (1596) shows her throne with a canopy. Source: Astra


CassiopeiaBayerBayer (1603). The supernova is shown here even though it has disappeared. source: Courtney Seligman


Philippe La Hire, Planisphere Celeste (1705). Source: Wikimedia Commons

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