Thursday, October 28, 2010



SolarBeat is a music making diagram of the solar system.

Each time the planets fully orbit the sun it makes a tone. The site allows you to change the tempo and view the number of time each planet has done a full orbit. Somewhat a representation of the Renaissance 7 musical tones – 7 planets concept.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Glarringkitteh’s Star People

Unfinished project by Glaringkitteh.



Ara_by_glaringkitteh Ara

Aquila_by_glaringkitteh Aquila

Aquarius_by_glaringkitteh Aquarius

Apus_by_glaringkitteh Apus

Auriga_by_glaringkitteh Auriga

Antlia_by_glaringkitteh Antlia

Bootes_by_glaringkitteh Bootes

Camelopardalis_by_glaringkitteh Camelopardalis



Thursday, September 23, 2010

Astronomical Clock – Messina Campanile

The duomo (cathedral) and campanile (bell tower) of Messina (Sicily, Italy) has to be rebuilt more than once. The cathedral had to be almost entirely rebuilt in 1919 and 1920, following the 1908 earthquake, and again in 1943. The current campanile was built in 1933 by the Ungerer Company of Strasbourg.

799px-Foto_Duomo_Messina_september_09 The current Messina Duomo and the Campanile

Messina_Bell_tower_Campanile before 1783 earthquake

Messina_Bell_tower_Campanile_1 1784

Messina_Bell_tower_Campanile_2 1790s

The same Campanile in different time.


 Ungerer-Horloge_astronomique_de_Messine_(1) The current campanile. The scheme here is by Ungerer Company of Strasbourg. 


Ungerer-Horloge_astronomique_de_Messine_(2) La tétralogie représentant, sous le signe de la Croix, le symbolisme de l'horloge. The symbolism of Messina Campanile is represented here as a cross. The mechanic for the astronomical spheres is represented in the bottom cross’ arm, the Cosmographia: the moon phase, the planetary, the calendar, and the clock.

Ungerer-Horloge_astronomique_de_Messine_(3)  Schéma des déclenchements des divers mécanismes de l'horloge


 Ungerer-Horloge_astronomique_de_Messine_(4) Schéma des engrenages du planétaire. Noticed they already placed Pluto into the solar system model.



Source: Lorin68 (Picasa), Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Astronomy at Vilnius University

Check out these cool astronomical symbols at Vilnius University!

IslBG Observatory[1]

The facade of Vilnius Observatory, from the Library Courtyard (left) and the Observatory Courtyard (right).

At the Library Courtyard, the observatory’s facade shows 7 planets and 6 astronomical instruments.

  Mercury Venus
Mars Jupiter   Saturn

At the Observatory Courtyard, the observatory’s facade has the zodiac, plus a parch of paper and a bull (not Taurus) at the center. With Latin Addidit Antiquo Virtus Nova Lumina Coelo, “Courage illuminated the old world with new light”.


Source: Wikipedia, Panoramio (Rimgaudas Bernotas, Henryk Sielewicz), University of Vilnius

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Astronomical Clock Series – Czech Republic

Prague Orloj
Prague (Wikipedia)

19393067 The 1870 clock showing everything from moon phase to sidereal time.

Prag_-_Rathausuhr_Monatsarbeiten  The clock with astrological signs and Calendar of Saints

Olomouc Orloj
City Hall, Olomouc, (Wikipedia)
  Olomouc_Astronomical_Clock4137015The lower dial represents the earthly sphere indicating minute to year, and the moon phase. The upper dial represents the heavenly sphere, showing star map, sun, earth and planets against the zodiac. The saints paraded (later replaced with volleyball players, auto mechanics, and factory workers during Socialist Era)

Source: Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia

Monday, September 13, 2010

Olomouc University’s Sundial


A sundial commemorating the quatercentenary of Olomouc University (1573–1973) on the facade of the Faculty of Philosophy