The Navagraha is the nine planets of the Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology. They consists of Ravi or Surya (the Sun), Chandra (the Moon), Budha (Mercury), Shukra (Venus), Mangala (Mars), Brihaspati (Jupiter), Shani (Saturn), the North Node (Rahu), and the South Node (Ketu). Like its Western counterpart, each planet has its own attribute and influence the Earth (Bhumidevi).
Below is a nice-looking Navagraha art series by Rabi Behera
The Navagraha from left to right: Surya, Chandra, Budha, Shukra, Mangala, Brihaspati, Shani, Rahu, and Ketu (British Museum)
The Navagraha on their (unusual) mount. In the center is Surya on a chariot pulled by horses, clockwise from top: Budha (on a lotus), Chandra (on a chariot with the moon crescent), Mangala (on a ram), Rahu (on a lion), Shani (on a raven), Ketu (on a raven), Brihaspati (on a lotus), and Shukra (on a lion)